Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TOOTH MOUSSE ..... prevent ur teeth for better quality

prevent ur teeth for better quality

GC is introducing their latest product called GC Tooth Mousse! GC Tooth Mousse is a water based, sugar free crème containing Recaldent® CPP-ACP (Caesin Phosphopeptide – Amorphous Calcium Phosphate). This topical paste will provide extra protection for the patients’ teeth.

What time of day is best to use with Tooth Mousse?

In terms of the binding properties of Tooth Mousse, CPP-ACP binds to oral soft tissues, to dental pellicle and also to plaque. This binding elevates the salivary levels of calcium and phosphate for extended periods. For this reason, Tooth Mousse works best in patients when it is applied at night before bed, since the salivary clearance rate is low during sleep.
In patients who need intensive treatment, then a twice daily application is sufficient in most individuals. It is recommended that Tooth Mousse be applied immediately after flossing and brushing with a 1000 ppm fluoride toothpaste, particularly at night before bed.

Some patients who have generalized cervical dentinal hypersensitivity, may also have dental erosion, and thus one needs to look carefully at their lifestyle (using particularly the resting salivary parameters) to gain insight into whether they have sub-clinical dehydration.

Is Tooth Mousse alone an alternative to fluoride for anti-fluoride patients?

Yes. The fact that Tooth Mousse is derived from the milk protein, casein, it is completely natural and safe and therefore is often an effective work-around for patients who are anti-fluoride.

Clinical Applications for Tooth Mousse
White spot prevention /removal (during/after orthodontic bracket treatment).
Post bleaching.
Post scaling and root planing.
Dentinal hypersensitivity.
Treatment of erosion and incipient carious lesions.
Caries prevention.
Promote fluoride uptake.

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